GSQ BlogAI in family historyGetting Started with AI in Family History.


Getting Started with AI in Family History. — 12 Comments

  1. Wonderful article Andrew. I think you have covered the most important aspects and practical assistance that AI tools provide for genealogy.

  2. Well done Andrew on a a well-written explanatory post.

    Great to see some new blood on the GSQ blog – welcome to the team.

  3. Hi Andrew, we met online during SAG AI zoom discussions/meetings.
    I’m a SAG member, AI has, is, and will be part of genealogy.
    I’ve been exploring ways to use different AI application to enhance and enrich family history though demonstrating examples.
    Rather than telling people what AI is, I think we need to be promoting AI by showing people what AI can do for them.

  4. Thanks Neil and yes, practical uses of AI is key to assisting others to make use of these incredible tools. I often find live demonstrations of AI are a great way to show people and always try and include them when presenting.

  5. Hi Andrew, great blog. I’m hoping to discover more about how to use AI for writing my family history stories after reading this. Thank you.

    • Thanks Yvonne. AI can be such a great tool to assist with writing about ancestors. Feed it your research and it will create a great first draft for you in what ever style you wish. Enjoy the learning and results.

    • Thanks Gayle and what a wonderful use case study to let do AI do some of the heavy lifting. Happy exploring.

  6. I am amazed at the various ways you have described that AI may assist in our family history research, Andrew. I’ll have to read this blog several times to take it all in, though. Very interesting. [I’m still coming to grips with trying to understand DNA results!]

    • Thanks Ross for reading the blog. Using AI is very similar to understanding DNA – tools that can enhance our family history work. I often describe AI as a train journey. You can hope on at any stage and don’t feel as though you’ve been left behind.

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