GSQ Blogfamily historiesMy connection to ‘The Valley’ from the late 1850s.


My connection to ‘The Valley’ from the late 1850s. — 4 Comments

  1. What a wonderful story, so full of great information! Having worked in Warren Street for several years, I am familiar with the area and am now going to look for an old map of the Valley!

  2. Hi Fleur, thank you for the feedback. I’ve since learned that Margaret was living at 29 Warry Street when she passed. I knew the street before but not the number. Have yet to Google properly what’s there but I think it’s a large apartment complex.

  3. I really enjoyed your story Christine. thank you for giving us a picture of the Valley in its early days. I am quite familiar with Amelia Street and there are a few remnant cottages left, one looks older than the others giving us an idea of what the street may have looked like in your ancestors time.

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