GSQ BlogmemorabiliaWhat to keep and what to leave behind


What to keep and what to leave behind — 5 Comments

  1. Thanks very much Pauline for your blog. I too have many family items once belonging to Dad and Mum, which, one day, I will have the hard task of finding a suitable family receiver. Someone with enough space and enthusiasm to keep them whenever the time comes. They include household items, family heirlooms, pedigree charts and other ephemera, all of which I would not wish to dispose of outside the family. One hears from time to time of such items being totally thrown out, perhaps because of need. For me, hopefully that time won’t come in the short term.
    Alf Trumper

    • Thanks for your comments Alf. I found it really hard to decide on what to do with many items that belonged to my mum and dad, especially as they were in England. It has prompted me to think about my own things and make decisions while I still can. Best wishes, Pauline

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