GSQ Blogfamily historyBeware Junk Genealogy – Don’t Rely on Research of Others…Validate Sources!


Beware Junk Genealogy – Don’t Rely on Research of Others…Validate Sources! — 2 Comments

  1. I agree with you Geraldine. I had a similar situation when someone appropriated my family but the link was unproven. The alleged common link was illegitimate with no father’s name on the birth certificate. A father’s name only emerged on a marriage certificate some 20 years later. GSQ is offering a mini-seminar on proof and citation on 1 July which may help people to cite their sources accurately.

  2. Ah yes, how I have learnt this lesson! For one who admits to a sloppy past with regard to documenting sources and references, I recently discovered a blunder made by another in my family history (no sources quoted) and trying to correct this on the Family tree maker program is beyond my technological expertise. Result? This has rendered my FTM data(entered onto the program over several years!) null and void (well..not quite!) unless I can amend it without having to recommence the whole data entering process! Ugh!! It’s so easy to believe something, simply because you want to. It brings to mind my father’s advise, “Always get your facts right, before you speak!!”. Bev

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