GSQ Blogfamily storiesWriting a Memoir


Writing a Memoir — 3 Comments

  1. Hi Pauline, I’ve come to your blog very late but it’s a great read. I’ve heard Patti Miller interviewed and you mentioning her is a good prompt for me to seek out her books. You’ve hit the nail on the head as it were, it’s a lot easier to write about others than ourselves and there are many great reasons (excuses) for doing so. I used to keep diaries when I was growing up and stopped doing it when I had young children, what a pity! But maybe writing one or two short stories about particular events is a good start – I’ll try that.

  2. Thank you for this blog, Pauline. For me, you have clarified the difference between a biography and a memoir. When I redrafted my assignments for the Diploma of Family History (Uni of Tasmania) and produced a PhotobookShop book on my parents and ancestors, it was a combination of their lives and particular events in their lives. I’m not sure what that combination might be called (a bio-memoir?) but the aim was the same – to preserve their memory a bit longer. Like you, I am also in the process of transcribing diaries and calendar notes into a broad collection of moments in my life. Ultimately, it might lead to some stories, as the process triggers memories. I’ll also check the Patti Miller books that you mentioned.

    • Hi Ross, I’m pleased you found the blog helpful. The Patti Miller books have lots of exercises that can help readers to write stories. Memories of our own lives can often be triggered by seemingly unrelated events, such as hearing a particular song. It’s worth keeping a ‘memories’ book where you can jot down these memories – you don’t necessarily have to write them up into a story. Best wishes for your future writing activities. Pauline

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