GSQ Blogfamily historiesFinding my grandmother Lizzie


Finding my grandmother Lizzie — 4 Comments

  1. That’s a lovely tribute to Lizzie, Pauline. I get the feeling that your grandmother was like many women of their generation, quietly supporting their loved ones in the background and all the time bearing what-ever burden that fell on them. It’s great that your glass bowl is a treasured item.

    • Yes, Bobbie, my grandmother was really quiet and there did not seem to be a lot of joy in her life when I knew her as a child and teenager. I’ll keep the bowl safely now. Pauline

  2. Really lovely story Pauline. It is fortunate you do have some memories of your grandmother, and like Bobbie Edes said, the glass bowl is such a treasure.

    • Many thanks Robyn. The bowl had ended up at the back of the cupboard until I re-discovered it when writing this blog post. I’ll keep it safely now. Pauline

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