GSQ Blogfamily historiesA lonely burial.


A lonely burial. — 8 Comments

  1. Two hundred and thirty years have passed since this initial event and yet I feel such sad emotions as if it was yesterday!

  2. Thanks, Gayle & Albert, a sad event in my family’s life, joining even greater tragedy for some of the other families arriving in Sydney Cove at the same time.

  3. Thank goodness I didn’t live in those days…I would have been devastated by the loss of so many babies. I enjoyed your story very much and particularly the opening paragraphs Janice.

    • Thanks Bev, I am glad you enjoyed the story. Fortunately for this Ezzy family, Louisa was the only childhood death in a family of eight children.

  4. When I am in that area or catching a train from Town Hall Station I will think of your family and the souls buried there. I loved your story and thank you for another interesting history lesson.

  5. Hi Janice,
    Re the family of Sergeant Major Thomas Whittle and his wife Eliza (she was actually named Elizabeth). The family did return to England in 1810 as Thomas was required as a witness in the Rum Rebellion court martial. Although I believe that Elizabeth remained in NSW where she died in 1822. Her son Thomas remained in the NSW Corps and died in 1832. George returned to England and then returned to NSW in 1830 with his wife Elizabeth and son William in an attempt to reclaim land grants given to his father Sergeant Major (Refer to Colonial Secretary Papers 1832 and 1833). Sergeant Major Whittle died in London and was buried at St Luke’s, Chelsea.

  6. Thanks Merrill for sharing your knowledge of the Whittle family; such an interesting reason for return to Australia by son, George. Learning about those with whom our families had some connection adds so much to our own family stories as well as adding to early immigrant history.

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