GSQ Blogfamily historiesFrancis Jack Needham – life in India


Francis Jack Needham – life in India — 5 Comments

  1. I believe Frederick William b 1903 and Mary b 1901 were also his children . Likely their mother Mary was an India born lady
    Frederick Williams son Francis John Needham was born 1926

  2. I have a picture of jack Needham been searching for long time I have evidence that he had not only son’s albert Needham….CR ngovi Needham he have not very far from diphu Assam when you see this comment you must contact me athank you…our ancestors are same!

  3. Francis jack Needham had marry the chief daughter of Lunglei mizoram India they have two sons albert Needham…Ronghaka Needham…CR ngovi Needham that’s why my name is come from my grandfather I will drop my WhatsApp numbers feel free to contact me sue 91+ 9615939251

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