GSQ BlogBritish Newspaper ArchiveNewspaper and Directory Advertisements help to tell a story


Newspaper and Directory Advertisements help to tell a story — 2 Comments

  1. Thank you for your excellent advice Pauline. It spurred me onto search many newspapers for articles about my illusive Powell brothers who formed a Lace Manufacturing business in Ghent (Gent) Belgium. In the process I found an excellent Netherlands site (which I must admit I’d heard of but not followed up). It’s WieWasWie Many pages do have an English option and some articles are scanned (with a camera icon on the right). You can restrict to a set period and just a surname if you wish. I used Google Translate to translate all my finds but sadly, none belonged to ‘my’ Powell brothers.

  2. So many countries now have sites providing digitised newspapers. Papers Past in New Zealand is good and free. It’s always worth googling newspapers and the country in which you’re interested to see what is available.

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