GSQ Blogfamily historiesWho in the family will take my family history notes?


Who in the family will take my family history notes? — 6 Comments

  1. Christine, thank you so much for your story. It resonates closely to me and my situation. Unless any of my grandchildren show an interest I may have to donate everything to a library or historical society. I wrote all the stories and sent them to all my cousins etc. A couple sent polite responses, some didnt even bother to answer, so no interest there.
    I hope you find someone keen to continue this very important work.

  2. Hi Julie, it’s disheartening sometimes isn’t it? At least if the family know what you’ve ultimately done with the records, they know were to go should someone later on develops an interest. It might skip a generation.

  3. Hi Christine: Have just stumbled across this site while researching Claus Sturwohld, who is also my great-great grandfather, through Ceclia Sturwolhd! We should chat. and compare the research we have done! What is the best way of doing this??

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