GSQ BlogParish recordsThe fate of parish registers!


The fate of parish registers! — 3 Comments

  1. Thank heavens that so many parish registers do still survive today but there are still places where their destruction continues for all of the reasons mentioned in the post.

  2. Oh dear. I winced with horror and drooped with sadness as I read that. So here’s hoping all ‘mine’ survived to be discovered and explored.
    Thank you for enlightening me about the vagaries of finding them.

  3. Thanks for reminding us of how lucky we are to have those that did survive.
    I suspect something similiar to the above happend to my Co Down, 1st Killyleagh Presbyterian registers, which amazingly begin cc1690s but stop cc1750 then entries begin again from mid 1830s on. Such a vital period – missing. I have literally searched every available venue for them locally and in Belfast, PRONI sadly to no avail. Thankfully a fab DNA project has linked my line to it’s original clan in the Border region of Scotland.

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