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William Alexander Dorsey Bell — 3 Comments

  1. Hello Ms Bell. My name is Neville Morrissey and I am researching my wife’s family tree. Her maiden name was Henney. Her 2 times great grandfather, James Henney, I believe was employed as a shepherd at the station, probably around 1865-1870. Why I am contacting you is because James had a daughter, Maryanne Henney, about 18 at the time. Maryannie had a number of children all with the name eg. Rosetta Dorsey Henney. These children did not live all that long.When she had her first, a girl she called Mary, no father recorded, as were all of the others, eliminate. I am trying to get some history of the Dorsey family.

    Further to my above questions, my own great grandfather was employed at Jimbour station as a blacksmith, wheelwright and farrier. His name was John Morrissey, and most of his family were born (one died) at the station, prior to moving to Jandowae.

    I feel, as does my wife, a connection to the station. Thank you for at least taking the time to read this emai


    Neville Morrissey

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