GSQ Blogfamily historiesMy Sad and Glad Tales of PRONI.


My Sad and Glad Tales of PRONI. — 4 Comments

  1. Bobbie,
    This is a wonderful research document which will be viewed over and over. I’d given up on my Irish ancestors but after Christmas I’ll be back at it. Also it is a great resource to recommend by our Research Assistants. Well Done.

  2. Thank you Gayle. We are fortunate to have so many Irish records online now a days, but there are miles more records (literally) available in person in the many different repositories throughout Ireland. I feel privileged to have been able to visit there in such detail through the last twenty years and it never fails to bring a lump to my throat when approaching my much loved ancestral areas of Fermanagh, Tyrone and Down.
    Hopefully this may assist our great GSQ Research Assistants to guide the members in right direction.

  3. Thanks Robyn, your time limits last visit was such a pain, I so feel for you missing out on the opportunity to feel the magic… maybe!

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